March is National Ladder Safety Month and an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about how to safely work around a common tool, found in almost every home and at many job sites. Often, ladder safety training can be inadequate because it is assumed that ladders are simple to use, compared to the more complex equipment such as cranes, forklifts and other power and handheld tools employees must use at construction sites. However, it is not only construction workers who use ladders on the job. Firefighters, building inspectors, electricians, painters, maintenance workers, power line installers and certain mechanics may be required to use a ladder for their daily tasks. Each year, too many people are injured or die as a result of unsafe work on or around ladders. Injuries caused by improper ladder use, falls from ladders and electrocution due to not using the correct type of ladder are preventable. Workers need to be educated and properly trained on the dangers that can arise when working on or around ladders for your job site to remain injury free.