Benefits of On Site Safety Managers

10 Benefits of Hiring an Environmental Health and Safety Professional

Hiring a third-party Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professional for your next construction project provides significant advantages to your organization. Our site safety construction managers offer the credentials and experience you need and focus on keeping your employees safe.

Preventing Heat Related Injuries

Summer is upon us and with it comes an increased risk of heat related injuries to workers who must work outdoors. Many of the injuries and fatalities that occur due to heat, happen in the first few days of working in the warm or hot temperatures. Heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps can result from the rising temperatures if precautions are not taken. Employers have a duty to provide a safe workplace free of health and safety hazards, including heat related hazards. OSHA has launched a National Emphasis Program (NEP) on outdoor and indoor heat hazards which will remain in effect for three years unless cancelled or extended.

National Safety Stand – Down: May 2-6, 2022

This year, the National Safety Stand-Down will take place the week of May 2-6, 2022. This yearly event is designed to raise awareness about the risks of fall hazards. Falls remain a leading cause of workplace deaths each year and fall protection is one of the most frequently cited OSHA citations. Results of a fall hazard can lead to death, serious injuries, paralysis, broken bones, blunt trauma to the head and internal damage. Deaths and injuries can be prevented by planning ahead to get the job done safely. Employers are required to provide the correct fall protection equipment and train all workers to use the equipment effectively. The National Safety Stand-Down is an opportunity to ensure fall hazard risks are reduced or eliminated and train workers on this hazard.

Six Key Elements to Developing a Positive Safety Culture

A positive safety culture at your organization is good business practice. It’s beneficial to both management and employees and something all businesses should strive to achieve. Having one is important, but getting one is not always an easy task. It can take time to develop and apply the fundamental elements of a positive safety culture at your organization. However, once these six key elements are part of your safety program, your business will reap the benefits of a safe, productive, thriving workplace.

March is Ladder Safety Month: 10 Ladder Do’s and Don’ts

March is National Ladder Safety Month and an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about how to safely work around a common tool, found in almost every home and at many job sites. Often, ladder safety training can be inadequate because it is assumed that ladders are simple to use, compared to the more complex equipment such as cranes, forklifts and other power and handheld tools employees must use at construction sites. However, it is not only construction workers who use ladders on the job. Firefighters, building inspectors, electricians, painters, maintenance workers, power line installers and certain mechanics may be required to use a ladder for their daily tasks. Each year, too many people are injured or die as a result of unsafe work on or around ladders. Injuries caused by improper ladder use, falls from ladders and electrocution due to not using the correct type of ladder are preventable. Workers need to be educated and properly trained on the dangers that can arise when working on or around ladders for your job site to remain injury free.

Why Your Company Should Get AISC Certified Today!

Why Your Company Should Get AISC Certified Today!

AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) Certification Programs define the standards for the steel industry. Their programs focus on the total process of steel fabrication and erection and are the most widely recognized in the industry. By submitting to this rigorous evaluation, your company will enhance every aspect of your organization. The entire process will evaluate the staff, knowledge, equipment, quality, safety, operations, procedures and commitment of your company and will ensure that your business has conformed to the standards of excellence established by the AISC.

4 Reasons to Get NCCCO Certified

What is the NCCCO?

The NCCCO or the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators was formed in 1995 with the mission to develop effective performance standards for those who work in and around load handling equipment. Their certification programs are designed to ensure employees working with load handling equipment are skilled and knowledgeable.

How to Prepare for an Onsite OSHA Inspection

This year marks the 50th year of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Signed into law in 1970 and enacted on April 28, 1971, the OSH Act requires that employers follow all relevant OSHA safety and health standards and correct all safety and health hazards. Today, OSHA has jurisdiction over approximately 7 million worksites and has significantly reduced workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses through their enforcement program over the past five decades. OSHA compliance officers are safety professionals or industrial hygienists who conduct inspections based on imminent danger situations, worker fatalities or hospitalizations, severe injuries or illnesses, worker complaints, referrals, targeted inspections aimed at specific high hazard industries or follow-up inspections. Each OSHA inspection can be broken down into three main parts; the opening conference, the actual inspection or “walk around” and the closing conference. Knowing what to expect during these three critical parts of an OSHA inspection can help your company be prepared and avoid the stress of an OSHA inspection. Here are some tips to help you get ready: