Ladder Safety Tips

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Train employees on proper ladder use.Don’t carry items in your hands as you climb a ladder.
Select the right ladder for the job. Be sure to choose the correct material and check the load limit, duty rating and OSHA standards.Don’t store materials on ladders.
Inspect ladders before each use. Tag ladders “Out of Service” if broken.Don’t place ladders in front of a door or walkway.
Set up ladders on a stable, hard surface. Secure ladder & clear clutter around ladders.Don’t have more than one person on a ladder at a time.
Maintain 3 points of contact (2 hands/1 foot) or (2 feet/1 hand) when using a ladder.Don’t use a damaged ladder.
Position ladder 1 foot away for every 4 ft of height. (1:4 ratio)Don’t move someone else’s ladder without their knowledge.
Plan ahead on how you will get materials to the higher level. (hoisting mechanism or another safe method!)Don’t use a ladder if you are lightheaded, dizzy, impaired, fatigued or on medication.
Face the ladder as you work and stay centered on the ladder.Don’t overreach while using a ladder.
Store your ladder in a well ventilated area.Don’t use aluminum ladders near electrical wires or power lines.
When transporting, lift ladder using your leg muscles.Don’t use a ladder outdoors on windy days.